Fall Academy 2011

Date: September 18–22, 2011
Location: Kurhaus Bergün, Graubünden, Switzerland


  • When beliefs supplant feelings in reports of emotion
    Gerald L. Clore, University of Virginia (UVa)
  • Neuroscience and socioeconomic status: The social brain
    Pamela Davis-Kean, University of Michigan (UM)
  • Of beasts and babies: Infants and young children’s interest in animals
    Judy S. DeLoache, UVa
  • Self-regulation as predictor of affective and cognitive health in old age
    Simon Forstmeier, UZh
  • Towards a neurocognitive model of literary reading
    Arthur M. Jacobs, Freie Universität Berlin (FU)
  • Neurobiology of individuality
    Gerd Kempermann, Center for Regenerative Therapies Dresden (CRTD)
  • Individual differences in reading acquisition and foreign language learning in children: A cognitive neuroscience perspective
    Urs Maurer, UZh
  • Time, speech, and the brain
    Martin Meyer, University of Zurich (UZh)
  • The effects of nature, nurture, and age on the neural architecture of vision
    Thad Polk, UM
  • Affect across the lifespan: Dynamics and competencies
    Michaela Riediger, MPI for Human Development, Berlin (MPIB)

Fellow Presentations

  • The interplay of externalizing problems and maternal use of physical and inductive discipline during childhood
    Daniel Choe, UM
  • Are self-enhancers sexy? Zeroing in on the link between inflated self-perception and mate appeal
    Michael Dufner, HU
  • Processing of emotion words in German sign language
    Eeva Elliott, FU
  • Adult neurogenesis and individual behavior: The hippocampal network and its interactions with environmental factors
    Julia Freund, CRTD
  • Boosting wisdom
    Igor Grossmann, UM
  • Effects of academic language characteristics on differential item functioning for students with non-German home language in a statewide mathematics test in primary schools in Germany
    Nicole Haag, HU
  • Noise and signal in the human brain
    Fivos Iliopoulos, Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin
  • Effects of physical activity on cognitive performance across the lifespan
    Maike Kleemeyer, MPIB
  • Yoga and adolescents: What do we know? The impact of a school-based yoga program on adolescents' social-emotional and cognitive processes
    Leah Kokinakis, UM
  • Hospital factors: How do they relate to the risk of caesarean delivery among German women?
    Anita Kottwitz, DIW
  • Reframing social knowledge and social performance in high-functioning autism
    Matthew Lerner, UVa
  • Functional brain connectivity in interpersonal action coordination
    Johanna Sänger, MPIB
  • Crystallized intelligence as domain-specific knowledge
    Stefan Schipolowski, HU
  • Understanding patterns of age-related decline in memory performance: The roles of medial-temporal lobe and striatum and their reorganization
    Nicolas Schuck, MPIB & Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin (HU)
  • Black like me: The race socialization of African American boys by nonresident fathers
    Alvin Thomas, UM

Fellow Posters

  • Moderators of age differences in threat interpretations across the adult lifespan
    Jennifer Green, UVa
  • Cognitive, neuroanatomical, and -functional changes associated with healthy aging
    Sarah Hirsiger, UZh
  • Personality and reproductive behavior: A longitudinal dyadic study on predictors of parenthood decisions
    Roos Hutteman, HU
  • Job prospects, retirement satisfaction, and grandparenthood
    Dalit Jäckel, University of Basel
  • Why students procrastinate: More predictors of procrastination and their impact on performance
    Kathrin Krause, UZh
  • Examining the role of early life trauma in the endocrine dysregulation and cognitive biases observed in anxious and depressed adolescents: A study prospectus
    Kate R. Kuhlman, UM
  • Does a prospective memory task become less demanding when repeating it? Automatization processes within prospective memory retrieval
    Florentina Mattli, UZh
  • Promotive and risk factors of acculturation: A longitudinal study on immigrant adolescents
    Anne Reitz, HU
  • Dyadic personality effects on relationship satisfaction in intimate couples: A lifespan perspective
    Kathrin Schaffhuser, UZh
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