Fall Academy 2011
Date: September 18–22, 2011
Location: Kurhaus Bergün, Graubünden, Switzerland
When beliefs supplant feelings in reports of emotion
Gerald L. Clore, University of Virginia (UVa)
Neuroscience and socioeconomic status: The social brain
Pamela Davis-Kean, University of Michigan (UM)
Of beasts and babies: Infants and young children’s interest in animals
Judy S. DeLoache, UVa
Self-regulation as predictor of affective and cognitive health in old age
Simon Forstmeier, UZh
Towards a neurocognitive model of literary reading
Arthur M. Jacobs, Freie Universität Berlin (FU)
Neurobiology of individuality
Gerd Kempermann, Center for Regenerative Therapies Dresden (CRTD)
Individual differences in reading acquisition and foreign language learning in children: A cognitive neuroscience perspective
Urs Maurer, UZh
Time, speech, and the brain
Martin Meyer, University of Zurich (UZh)
The effects of nature, nurture, and age on the neural architecture of vision
Thad Polk, UM
Affect across the lifespan: Dynamics and competencies
Michaela Riediger, MPI for Human Development, Berlin (MPIB)
Fellow Presentations
- The interplay of externalizing problems and maternal use of physical and inductive discipline during childhood
Daniel Choe, UM
- Are self-enhancers sexy? Zeroing in on the link between inflated self-perception and mate appeal
Michael Dufner, HU
- Processing of emotion words in German sign language
Eeva Elliott, FU
- Adult neurogenesis and individual behavior: The hippocampal network and its interactions with environmental factors
Julia Freund, CRTD
- Boosting wisdom
Igor Grossmann, UM
- Effects of academic language characteristics on differential item functioning for students with non-German home language in a statewide mathematics test in primary schools in Germany
Nicole Haag, HU
- Noise and signal in the human brain
Fivos Iliopoulos, Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin
- Effects of physical activity on cognitive performance across the lifespan
Maike Kleemeyer, MPIB
- Yoga and adolescents: What do we know? The impact of a school-based yoga program on adolescents' social-emotional and cognitive processes
Leah Kokinakis, UM
- Hospital factors: How do they relate to the risk of caesarean delivery among German women?
Anita Kottwitz, DIW
- Reframing social knowledge and social performance in high-functioning autism
Matthew Lerner, UVa
- Functional brain connectivity in interpersonal action coordination
Johanna Sänger, MPIB
- Crystallized intelligence as domain-specific knowledge
Stefan Schipolowski, HU
- Understanding patterns of age-related decline in memory performance: The roles of medial-temporal lobe and striatum and their reorganization
Nicolas Schuck, MPIB & Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin (HU)
- Black like me: The race socialization of African American boys by nonresident fathers
Alvin Thomas, UM
Fellow Posters
Moderators of age differences in threat interpretations across the adult lifespan
Jennifer Green, UVa
Cognitive, neuroanatomical, and -functional changes associated with healthy aging
Sarah Hirsiger, UZh
Personality and reproductive behavior: A longitudinal dyadic study on predictors of parenthood decisions
Roos Hutteman, HU
Job prospects, retirement satisfaction, and grandparenthood
Dalit Jäckel, University of Basel
Why students procrastinate: More predictors of procrastination and their impact on performance
Kathrin Krause, UZh
Examining the role of early life trauma in the endocrine dysregulation and cognitive biases observed in anxious and depressed adolescents: A study prospectus
Kate R. Kuhlman, UM
Does a prospective memory task become less demanding when repeating it? Automatization processes within prospective memory retrieval
Florentina Mattli, UZh
Promotive and risk factors of acculturation: A longitudinal study on immigrant adolescents
Anne Reitz, HU
Dyadic personality effects on relationship satisfaction in intimate couples: A lifespan perspective
Kathrin Schaffhuser, UZh