Rosalie Andrae

LIFE Zurich

LIFE Fellow Since 2024, University of Zurich

After earning my bachelor’s degree from the University of Leiden, The Netherlands, and a short pit stop in social counseling with a refugee relief organization in Hamburg, Germany, I completed my master’s degree in psychology at the University of Graz, Austria. During this time, I deepened my interest in research and data analytic methods by completing an additional module on data science, while also working as a student assistant and tutor for the Creative Cognition Lab and the Department of Personality Psychology. In May, I joined Wiebke Bleidorn’s lab at the University of Zurich as a PhD candidate. Here, I am working on a project focused on increasing emotional stability through a smartphone-based intervention. Besides that, my research explores how first sexual experiences and personality traits, such as the Big Five and self-esteem, influence one another. Integrating Open Science practices and an intersectional perspective into my work is of great importance to me.

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