Eeva A. Elliott

LIFE Berlin

LIFE Fellow from 2009 to 2013, Freie Universität Berlin

Dr. phil.

Dissertation completed in July 2013

Phonological Functions of Facial Movements: Evidence from Deaf Signers Full text

(Advisor: Arthur M. Jacobs)

Selected Publications

Elliott, E. A., Braun, M., Kuhlmann, M., & Jacobs, A. M. (2012). A dual-route cascaded model of reading by deaf adults: Evidence for grapheme to viseme conversion. Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education, 17, 227–243.

Elliott, E. A., & Jacobs, A. M. (2013). Facial expressions, emotions, and sign languages. Frontiers in Psychology, 4, Article 115.

Elliott, E. A., & Jacobs, A. M. (2014). Phonological and morphological faces: Disgust signs in German Sign Language. Sign Language & Linguistics, 17, 123–180.

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